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Hair health and science

How to Look After Bleached Hair

5 minutes

Aaaaah yes, we do love ourselves some fresh blonde locks – the different shades glistening under light, the crown-worthy achievement of perfecting a healthy shine, soft-to-touch look and beautiful blonde tones.

There’s just one, well, ever so small (tiny, really) hitch to having a bleached blonde mane… the heightened potential for dry hair that’s prone to breakage.

Well, lean in blondes… we’ve got a few golden Aussie A-beauty secrets that’ll have those bleached blonde tresses looking silky and shining bright. Just follow our top hair commandments for A-mazing bleached blonde hair with bounce!

Why bleached hair needs extra care

Bleached hair’s fragile because of the process and the effect it has on the hair’s structure.

But before we deep dive into the details just remember, there’s a bright blonde light shining at the end of this tunnel. It’s not all doom and gloom, we promise!

Bleach blonde hair: what happens

During the process, the cuticle layer (outer layer) of strands is lifted so the bleach can break into the hair shaft to lighten pigments – changing the colour of your hair.

The whole bleaching process makes hair more porous, which can make it feel rough. It also depletes your hair’s natural moisture levels which, in turn, causes hair to look for moisture elsewhere. Add a little humidity to the mix and we have ourselves a recipe for frizz. The bleaching process dries hair out and because the gates (cuticles) are open, it’ll grab moisture wherever it can, causing each strand to swell. Crikey!

Unfortunately, that’s not the end… there are two more struggles those of us with bleached blonde hair face striving for tonal perfection - split ends and hair breakage. Eeek!

Simple cause and effect here, the more you bleach those strands, the more the cuticle lifts exposing the inner cortex, and that makes hair vulnerable to splitting and breakage.

If you’re holding your breath in fear of what’s next, you can breathe easy – the worst is over! It’s time to let you in on those Aussie A-beauty secrets to make sure you, and those strands, bounce back.

How to look after bleached hair

Stick to these simple little bleach blonde hair care tips and you’ll start to notice a big difference in the condition of those strands and blonde tones.

Top 5 tips for bleached hair care

1. Avoid bleaching those ends

The further down the strand we go, the older (and more fragile) your hair is. That’s because it’s been through more colour treatments than the budding new sections of hair closer to the scalp. Instead of bleaching, opt for a toner to rejuvenate already blonde locks without causing any more damage or compromising on your blonde hair dreams.

2. Purple shampoo, people… purple shampoo

It’s a game-changer. A blonde’s best friend. This little miracle worker’s like taking to blonde strands with a magic wand and miraculously turning them from yellow and brassy to cool overtones. Try our Blonde Hydration Shampoo infused with authentic Australian botanical ingredients, like hemp seed extract and powerful plum extracts, sourced fresh from the land down under. It’ll give you that sun-kissed blonde glow you’re after. Bye, bye brassy, yellow strands!

The ultimate fix for blonde hair addicts with dry damaged tresses, this kick-brass shampoo neautralises brassy, yellow tones to leave blonde and silver hair light and bright. A bleach blonde hair saviour!

3. Use haircare treatments – the right ones!

Follow up your hydrating purple shampoo with a deeply nourishing conditioner treatment that’ll have strands bouncing back in no time.

Banish the brassiness and boost the blonde while giving your brittle hair some much needed hydration with our 3 Minute Miracle Blonde Deep Treatment. NOW we’re talking! It’s the best treatment for bleached hair in the Aussie range, and you’ll soon know why.

Infused with Australian hemp seed extract and wild plum, it smells A-mazing and gives bleach blonde hair the moisture it needs so it doesn’t go looking for hydration elsewhere, like humidity (cue frizz).

Time to move this hydration party out of the shower with a little after hair care to keep those blonde tones bright and shiny. Our Blonde Hydration Conditioning Spray with Australian hemp seed extract is the ultimate reviver of dry, dull hair. And, it’s the perfect mate for the Aussie adventurer – just keep it in your work, gym or travel bag.

4. Take a break from the styling tools (just a mini-break!)

Take a mini-break from heat styling tools that can further dry out your already dehydrated tresses. When you do take to your arsenal of styling tools again, just make sure you protect your crowning glory with a heat protectant spray like our Scent-sational Protect Conditioning Mist.

Infused with Australian Macadamia Nut Oil, It’ll prevent breakage, help hair retain moisture and support longer-lasting colour – yay!

To improve hair’s manageability, making hair easier to style, hit those strands with the ultimate post bleached hair hydration trio - a squeeze of our deeply hydrating conditioning treatment, a spritz of our Blonde Hydration Conditioning Spray and a squidge of our Blonde Hydration Lightweight Oil.

Bleached hair can appear a little rough, dry and dull because of the bleaching process. Nope - the aftermath isn’t always pretty. So, smooth those strands and bring back shine with our Australian hemp seed extract-infused lightweight oil. It’ll nourish locks, leaving them beautifully shiny and smooth, without weighing it down.

5. Swim with care – avoid chlorine

The rumours are true! Chlorine can compromise those beautiful blonde tones. So, if you’re planning on hitting the pool – lather hair in conditioner before you go for a dip and then slip on a swimming cap. That’ll help to protect those golden locks, so your colour lasts longer.

And there you have it! The ultimate guide on how to look after bleached hair. Want more beauty tips and tricks for bleach blonde hair to envy? We’ve got that covered too! So, shine bright blonde beauties and take a look at these blonde hair tips.

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